Unlock a Better Life with SmithLife Homecare's Senior Support Services
Experience the SmithLife Homecare Difference
Welcome to SmithLife Homecare’s Resources page, where we offer a comprehensive guide to assist seniors and their families. Discover a range of services in the Maryland and Washington, D.C. area including household support, healthcare coordination, and legal services, all designed to support independent and comfortable living for adults and seniors living. Explore our resources today for informed decision-making about your loved one’s care.
SmithLife Homecare’s Suggested Resources
At SmithLife Homecare, we believe that quality home care services are essential for seniors and individuals with disabilities to live their lives independently and comfortably. To further assist our clients and their families, we’ve compiled this comprehensive resource guide. We hope that you find these resources helpful in making informed decisions about your loved one’s care.
Table of Contents
Explore the topics below to quickly navigate SmithLife Homecare’s Suggested Resources. From home care assistance and medical services to senior villages in Washington, DC, and Montgomery County, MD, this guide provides essential tools and support for families. Whether you’re seeking legal advice, wellness solutions, or community connections, our table of contents ensures you find the right resources to help your loved ones age with independence and dignity.
Community & Lifestyle
Specialized Services
Medical & Wellness Services
Legal & Financial Resources
Charles E. Smith Life Communities Resources
Care & Support Services
Care Managers/Healthcare Advocate
Navigating the healthcare system can be challenging for seniors and their families. At SmithLife Homecare, we provide care manager and healthcare advocate services to help our clients make informed decisions about their care. Our care managers work closely with clients, their families, and healthcare providers to develop personalized care plans and ensure that all needs are met.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
KMM Consulting | Kathleen M. McGuinness | 301-873-5506 | kmm7720@gmail.com |
Aging Well Eldercare | Teresa Boring | 301-908-3864 | care-manager.com |
Seabury Resources for Aging | Christine Bitzer | 202-364-0020 | seaburyresources.org |
Iona Senior Services | Samantha Henson | 202-895-9448 | iona.org |
Home Care Assistance
SmithLife Homecare offers comprehensive home care assistance, including caregiver services, respite care, post-hospital care, aging in place support, and 24/7 care. Let us help you make informed decisions and provide the support your loved one needs for a comfortable, independent life. Contact us today!
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
SmithLife Homecare - Maryland | Andres Arrazola | 301-816-5020 | smithlifehomecare.com/rockville/ |
SmithLife Homecare - Washington, D.C. | Summer Stephenson | 202-221-7503 | smithlifehomecare.com/washington-dc/ |
SmithLife Homecare - Friendship Heights | Erika Chavez | 301-615-0506 | smithlifehomecare.com/chevy-chase/ |
Considerate Care - Northern Virginia | Alison Amponsah | 703-574-1406 | consideratecare.com |
Hand 'n Heart - Southern Virginia | Mary Gavin | 757-490-1223 | handnheart.org |
Household Support and Services
Our caregiver services focus on making our clients’ homes comfortable and well-maintained. With our dedicated caregivers’ help, aging in place becomes a more accessible and desirable option. We handle light housekeeping, meal preparation, and errands to keep homes safe and clean.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Medicare Guidance | JCA | 301-255-4250 | accessjca.org |
Handy Pro | Ali Soltani | 301-960-1060 | handypro.com |
Hunter Cleaning Services | Gregory Rynard | 240-899-4847 | huntercleaningservices9.com |
Potomac Concierge | Aida Middel | 301-605-7620 | potomacconcierge.com |
Stroke Comeback Center | Brooke Hatfield | 301-605-7620 | strokecomebackcenter.org |
RenewMe Fitness, LLC | Peter Francis | 301-385-3192 | renewmefitness.com |
Winter Growth in Olney | Adult Daycare | 301-774-7501 | wintergrowthinc.org |
CaringMatters | Allison Stearns | 301-869-0113 | caringmatters.org |
Pet and Home Care | Tiffany Reynolds | 301-738-2273 | petandhomecare.com |
Rover.com | rover.com |
In-Home Therapy
At SmithLife Homecare, we recognize the importance of physical, occupational, and speech therapy in promoting our clients’ health and well-being. Our in-home therapy services allow clients to receive personalized treatment in the comfort and familiarity of their homes, fostering a more effective and comfortable therapeutic experience.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
HomeCall | Keith Larkin | 202-450-8108 | lhcgroup.com |
Bayada Home Health Care | Laurie Keese | 202-510-6553 | bayada.com |
Respite Coordination
Caring for a loved one can be both rewarding and challenging. Family caregivers often need a break to recharge and focus on their well-being. At SmithLife Homecare, we provide respite coordination services to help families find temporary relief from their caregiving responsibilities.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
The Arc Montgomery County | Julia Abate | 301-984-5777 x1206 | thearcmontgomerycounty.org |
Community & Lifestyle
Engaging in the arts can offer therapeutic benefits that enhance overall well-being. From painting to music, creative activities promote relaxation, improve sleep, aid recovery, and support emotional health. Below, we’ve curated a list of artistic practices that foster holistic healing and enhance quality of life for those on their care journey.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Harp Balm | Anne Apynys | 301-452-6151 | harpbalm.com |
At SmithLife Homecare, we aim to provide relevant and up-to-date information about various aspects of senior care and home care services. Our educational resources cover topics such as caregiving techniques, health and wellness tips, and advice on navigating the complex world of healthcare services.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Washington Metro Oasis | Janice Plinder | 240-800-3745 | washington-metro.oasisnet.org |
Reliable transportation is essential for seniors and individuals with disabilities to maintain their independence and access necessary services. SmithLife Homecare provides safe and efficient transportation solutions for our clients, ensuring they can attend medical appointments, social engagements, and other essential activities.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Transport-U | David Harry | 240-475-7568 | transportu.com |
Saunders Medical Transport | Bill Saunders | 301-483-3370 | Billsanders4@verizon.net |
Villages in Washington, D.C.
Discover vibrant senior village communities in Washington, DC, designed to empower older adults to live independently while staying connected. These villages provide valuable resources like transportation, social events, and home assistance—perfect for aging in place. SmithLife Homecare complements these services with expert in-home care, offering compassionate support tailored to your needs. Explore how these villages and our care solutions help seniors thrive in the heart of Washington, DC.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Capitol Hill Village | Judy Berman | 202-543-1778 | capitolhillvillage.org |
Cleveland & Woodley Park Village | Frank Finamore | 202-615-5853 | cwpv.org |
DC Waterfront Village | Leonard Bechtel | 202-656-1834 | dcwaterfrontvillage.org |
Dupont Circle Village | Ann Talty | 202-436-5252 | dupontcirclevillage.net |
East Rock Creek Village | Susan Davis | 202-656-7322 | eastrockcreekvillage.org |
Foggy Bottom West End Village | Denise Snyder | 202-333-1327 | fbwe.helpfulvillage.com |
Georgetown Village | Lynn Golub-Rofrano | 202-999-8988 | georgetown-village.org |
Glover Park Village | Patricia Clark | 202-436-5545 | gloverparkvillage.org |
Greater Brookland Intergenerational Village | Nadia Mercer | 202-525-7649 | brooklandvillage.org |
Mount Pleasant Village | Bill Emmet | 202-468-0364 | mountpleasantvillage.org |
Northwest Neighbors Village | Stephanie Chong | 202-935-6060 | nnvdc.org |
Palisades Village | Erica Blanton | 202-244-3310 | palisadesvillage.org |
Villages in Montgomery County, Maryland
Montgomery County, Maryland, is home to an exceptional network of senior villages dedicated to fostering independence and connection for older adults. From coordinated activities to local support services, these villages are a cornerstone for aging gracefully in your own home. SmithLife Homecare enhances this experience with customized home care services, ensuring seniors receive professional assistance while enjoying the community-focused support of these villages. Learn how we help seniors in Montgomery County lead fulfilling lives.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Bannockburn Neighbors Assisting Neighbors | Anne Quinlan | 301-229-0942 | bannockburncommunity.org/nan/ |
Bethesda Metro Area Village | Elizabeth Haile | 240-630-2628 | bmavillage.org |
Bradley Hills Village | Kate Smith | 240-600-1846 | bhv.clubexpress.com |
Burning Tree Village | Judy Levy | 301-523-4880 | burningtreevillage.org |
Cabin John | Judy Lund | 301-263-2975 | cabinjohn.org |
Chevy Chase At Home | Jennifer Riesch | 301-657-3115 | chevychaseathome.org |
East County Village Seniors | www.ecvillageseniors65plus.org | ||
Friendship Heights Neighbors Network | Margaret Newman | 240-620-3285 | fhneighbors.org |
Greater Olney Go Rides | Frank Cottone | 301-446-2512 | gorides.org |
Greater Stonegate Village | Becca Hage | 240-918-7978 | mountpleasantvillage.org |
Helping Hands University Park | Linda Verrill | 301-892-6636 | upmd.org/189/Helping-Hands-UP-Committee |
Hyattsville Aging in Place | Erica Blanton | 202-244-3310 | hyattsvilleaginginplace.org |
King Farm Neighbors Village | Teresa Anderson | 301-799-8104 | kfnv.org |
Little Falls Village | Margaret Walker | 301-320-3267 | littlefallsvillage.org |
Manor Connections | Barbara Emanuelle | 240-682-1765 | manorconnections.org |
Mill Creek Village | Joe Isaacs | 240-686-5870 | millcreekvillage.org |
Neighbors Helping Neighbors of College Park | Arelis Perez | 301-222-3434 | nhn-cp.org |
North Bethesda Village | Jean Hochron | 240-781-8878 | northbethesdavillage.org |
North Chevy Chase Connections | Abby Propis Simms | 240-343-2446 | northchevychaseconnections.org |
Parkside Village | Srini Padmanabhan | 240-644-2079 | parksidevillagemd.org |
Potomac Community Village | Owen Ritter | 240-221-1370 | potomaccommunityvillage.org |
Silver Spring Village | Douglas Gaddis | 240-833-5580 | silverspringvillage.org |
Somerset Helping Hand Senior Village | Barbara Zeughauser | 301-657-3211 | townofsomerset.com |
Village at Kentlands & Lakelands | Fran Randolph | 301-213-8923 | villagekentlandslakelands.org |
Village of Takoma Park | Emily van Loon | 301-646-2109 | villageoftakomapark.com |
Villages of Kensington | Michael Landa | 301-509-0191 | villagesofkensingtonmd.org |
Wyngate & Maplewood Neighbors Helping Neighbors | George Smith | 301-388-5112 | docs.google.com |
Specialized Services
Personal Chef & Nutrition
Teaming up with personal chefs and nutritionists, we create customized meal plans catering to clients’ unique dietary needs and preferences. Our caregivers also help with grocery shopping, meal preparation, and feeding.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Elder Nourish | Kim Lipinski | 571-234-1135 | eldernourish.biz |
Nutrition On The Go, Inc. | Ann Porter, RDN, LDN | 301-234-1135 | nutritiononthegord.com |
Medication management is crucial for seniors and individuals with disabilities to maintain their health and well-being. At SmithLife Homecare, we work closely with trusted pharmacies to ensure our clients receive the medications they need promptly and accurately. Our caregivers can assist with medication reminders, pickups, and deliveries, making it easier for clients to adhere to their prescribed medication regimens.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Brookville Pharmacy | Hossein Ejtemai | 301-718-0900 | brookvillepharmacy.com |
CaryRx | Kevin Lance | 202-930-4242 | caryrx.com |
SmithLife Homecare embraces the latest technological solutions to benefit seniors and individuals with disabilities. We help our clients stay connected and safe in their homes through communication devices and smart home systems.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Baer Technology | Susan D. Baer | 202-364-1000 | baertechnology.com |
Medical & Wellness Services
When a loved one faces a life-limiting illness, hospice care provides comfort, dignity, and support during their final days. SmithLife Homecare partners with reputable hospices to ensure compassionate end-of-life care tailored to clients’ unique needs and preferences. Our caregivers also provide support and companionship during this challenging time.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
JSSA | Maria Kaplan | 301-466-4296 | jssa.org |
Heartland Hospice | Illene Gruber | 202-819-2835 | gentivahs.com |
Montgomery Hospice | Lisa Morris | 301-921-4400 | montgomeryhospice.org |
Medical and Dental Services
At SmithLife Homecare, we understand the importance of maintaining our clients’ health and well-being. We prioritize our clients’ health and well-being by managing medications, coordinating appointments, and ensuring proper dental care. Our caregivers assist with medication reminders and transportation to medical and dental appointments, providing essential care and support.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Hirsh Health Center | 301-816-5004 | Hirsh Health Center | |
Revive Wound Care | Steven Kreindler | 443-939-9979 | revivecaring.com |
Vaccine Valet | Emily Shewmaker | 301-960-1060 | vaccinevalet.com |
Medicine at Home PA-C | Christine Gardella | 240-274-1833 | medicineathome.net |
Metropolitan Washington Ear | Sylvia Rosenthal | 301-605-7620 | washear.org |
District Mobile Dental | Jacqueline Saling | 240-485-8688 | districtmobiledental.com |
Medical Supplies
Ensuring access to essential medical supplies, such as power mobility, transfer equipment, walkers, and lifts, can enhance the effectiveness of home care, promoting comfort and well-being for both patients and caregivers. Having these supplies readily available can significantly improve accessibility and independence, fostering a safer and more supportive home care environment for all involved.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Freedom Mobility Solutions | Jamie Vela-Bassett, PT | 443-445-3518 ext. 220 | freedommobilitysolutions.com |
Vision Impairment Assistance
Vision impairment can greatly impact an individual’s independence and quality of life. At SmithLife Homecare, we are dedicated to supporting our clients with vision impairment by providing specialized assistance tailored to their specific needs. Our caregivers are trained in techniques that help individuals with vision impairment navigate their homes safely and comfortably.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Radio Reading Network of MD | 410-779-4969 | radioreadingnetwork.org | |
National Federation of the Blind | 410-659-9314 | nfb.org |
Legal & Financial Resources
Elder Law/NAELA
Legal matters can be complex and overwhelming, especially for seniors and their families. At SmithLife Homecare, we collaborate with experienced elder law attorneys and members of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) to address legal concerns such as estate planning, long-term care planning, and guardianship.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
MRV Attorneys and Counselors at Law | Marielba Rivera-Velazquez | (240) 787-6077 | mrvattorneys.com |
Griboff Law, LLC | Amy Griboff | 301-339-8725 | griboffestateplanning.com |
Sweeney Elder Law | Bernadette Sweeney | 301-294-7200 | sweeneylegal.com |
Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. | Jenica Cassidy | 301-347-1269 | lerchearly.com |
Moss Law, LLC | Lindsay Moss | 410-746-0101 | mosslawmd.com |
Senior Estate Planning/Real Estate
Working with experienced professionals, we help seniors and families make informed decisions about assets and living arrangements through senior estate planning and real estate services. SmithLife Homecare collaborates with experienced professionals to provide guidance on estate planning, downsizing, and transitioning.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Capital Senior Solutions | Jan Brito | 301-646-5774 | capitalseniorsolutions.com |
Fairweather Collection | Lisa Siegel | 240-223-4014 | longandfoster.com/JaneFairweather |
Money Management
Managing finances effectively is crucial for seniors and their families to ensure long-term security and independence. This section provides trusted resources to help with budgeting, financial planning, and navigating the complexities of senior finances. Explore our curated tools and services to make informed decisions and maintain financial peace of mind.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Daily Money Management | Christine Dolan | 703-868-8664 | cdolanfinancial.com |
Charles E. Smith Life Communities Resources
Charles E. Smith Life Communities, located in Rockville, Maryland, is a trusted leader in senior care. Offering a continuum of services designed to support independence, wellness, and safety, this section highlights resources to help seniors and their families navigate life’s transitions. With a focus on quality care and community connection, these resources empower individuals to age with dignity and confidence in the heart of Montgomery County.
Company | Name | Number | Email / Website |
Warren R. Slavin Post-Acute Care Center | Jennifer Bunting | 301-770-8470 | Post Acute Care Center |
Independent Living | Sales Counselor | 301-450-7097 | Independent Living |
Assisted Living | Sales Counselor | 301- 450-7433 | Assisted Living |
Memory Care | Sales Counselor | 301-450-7726 | Memory Care |
Long-Term Care | Jennifer Bunting | 301-770-8470 | Long-Term Care |
Hirsh Health Center | Receptionist | 301-816-5004 | Hirsh Health Center |
Elder SAFE | Gloria Key | 301-816-5099 | Elder SAFE |
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For immediate assistance please call 301-816-5020. By submitting your information, you allow SmithLife Homecare to contact you.
SmithLife Homecare will only follow up with service and caregiver inquiries. Please call our office for any marketing, advertising, or website inquiries.