Helpful Organizations for Seniors in Washington DC

SmithLife Homecare provides compassionate, professional services for people in the Washington, DC, area. Our team covers a wide range of care needs, and we pride ourselves on customizing care plans for each client. In addition to care, we are an essential resource to our clients, who can feel confident that we will steer them toward the right solution to their specific needs. We partner with some extraordinary organizations in and around Washington to make sure our clients are as comfortable, safe, and happy as possible.

Managing Memory Care & Support

For individuals who have dementia, safety and comfort require planning and effort. Many people with dementia prefer to live at home in a familiar environment, but they also need help to address the challenges they face due to memory loss. Dementia Friendly America recognizes us for our team of trained, experienced caregivers who understand the unique needs of people with dementia. We also help our clients to identify services in Washington, DC, for people with dementia, such as Club Memory at Sibley Hospital. Our caregivers can provide transportation and other related services to support groups offered by Club Memory.

Staying Active, Staying Safe

Living at home is increasingly preferred by older adults and other people who need support. However, living alone can be a health risk for people with physical or cognitive impairment. We help Washington, DC, clients tap into the available support network, including adult daycare through Iona Senior Services and other types of services through organizations like Seabury Resources for Aging, DC Villages and  Capitol Hill Village Hill that can help people avoid the danger and loneliness of being home alone. Our commitment to DC residents includes offering a preferred rate to clients in communities including DC Villages and Capitol Hill Village, call us at 202-221-7503 to learn more. Our team helps our clients determine which services best fit their needs.

Making Home Safe

When we conduct a senior home safety assessment for our clients, we can include an in-depth look at the way their home is set up and advise about changes and recommendations to increase safety and reduce falls at home. From small changes like grab bars in the bathroom to more substantial changes to make a home wheelchair friendly, we offer suggestions to our clients about ways to make the home fully accessible, safe and promote independent living.  We make referrals to trusted providers such as HandyPro to make these necessary changes.

Dignity and Comfort for LGBTQ+ Clients

We are inclusive and provide welcoming care for LGBTQ+ clients throughout the DMV. SmithLife Homecare has been recognized through SAGECare for cultural competency and through our training earned LGBTQ+ Gold certification. Our team is trained for sensitivity and respect, for all our clients. We screen for experience, cultural sensitivity, and professionalism, and we offer continuing education to our team.

If you or a loved one reside in Washington, DC, and you believe it is time to access support and services, we are standing by to answer your questions and offer our team and our resources to make you thrive in your own home. Contact us to learn more.


Note from the author-

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A profile picture of Renan, the blog author who is a Certified Dementia Practitioner and Senior Home Safety Specialist for SmithLife Homecare

About the Author-

Renan Augusto is the Director of Digital Marketing for SmithLife Homecare. SmithLife Homecare is a senior in-home care provider located in Rockville, MD & Washington, D.C. Renan has a Master of Science in Digital Marketing. He helps families with starting home care service. He holds credentials as a Certified Dementia Practitioner, Senior Home Safety Specialist, and Meta Certified Digital Marketer.

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